Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It took nealy 60 years to figure it out!

I was thinking about friendship, acquaintances, and how some people had tons of friends and some didn't.
I thought how as a teenager I would be alone in the middle of a huge crowd of people. I've finally understood, I am different, that is why I am alone.
Many people think they are my friend, but they are alas acquaintances. What is the difference you might question, let me tell you how I feel about it.
What is a friend?
1. Someone you can count on to support you through thick or thin.
2. Someone who knows and understands, without a word being spoken between us.
3. Someone who feels my pain and joy as much as I do. Who shares my happiness and my tears.
4. Someone who I can tell ANYTHING to and they will never tell a soul, or break a confidence.
5. Someone to just sit with and enjoy being in their presence, soaking up the sun's rays.
6. Someone if they are far away, and you haven't seen them in 20 years, you pick up your friendship as if there had been no break in between. Still completing each other's sentences and laughing over silly memories.
7. You don't have MANY friends over a lifetime, they are special and carried in your heart in a compartment, that few qualify to enter.

Now, what is an acquaintance?
1. Someone you enjoy things with, but don't go out of your way to be together.
2. Someone who you spend your life in the middle of, going parallel, not always connecting.
3. Someone to be with, because you don't want to be ALONE IN A CROWD.
4. Likely if one of you move, friendship and communication will deteriate quickly.

So, I have been pondering the friends I had during my 59 years, the ones I didn't have and the ones I just hung out with.
I realized that I feel like I am alone in the world, that if I were to pass on, a few tears would be shed, but no great grieving.
And then it dawned on me, I have ALWAYS been alone, wanting a friend so badly, but they never measuring up to my definition of what a friend is. Sometimes, my good nature has been taken advantage of. I was fooled into thinking we had a friendship, but it wasn't even an acquaintance.

So now I ask YOU, what is your definition of a friend and an acquaintance? Let's see if we get any takers?
